Federal housing programs are one of the most successful housing-based solutions to reduce homelessness. The two largest federal housing programs are public housing and federal housing vouchers, also known as section eight housing. Another proven solution developed in New York City and replicated nationwide is the “housing first” approach to street homelessness, which builds on the success of permanent supportive housing. The “housing first” approach involves moving long-term street homeless individuals — the majority of whom are living with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and other serious health problems — directly into subsidized housing and then linking them to support services (“coalition for the …show more content…
We could start by setting up better housing for them. When many teens age out of the foster care system they are often thrown into the real world without the right accommodations. Approximately twenty thousand kids who age out of the system each year with no permanent family connections: About twenty-five percent have no high school diploma; nearly forty percent have been homeless; thirty-three percent have not had enough food at some point within the past year; sixty percent of young men are convicted of a crime; and about half struggle with substance abuse. (“What Happens When Foster Kids ‘Age Out’ of the System”) in order to stop future kids from being apart of these statistics we have to get them educated and stable before we take them out of the