People are all different, that should not come as a surprise for anyone. Our individual DNA sets us apart from everyone else and makes us who we are. But at the same time we are all the same we are all human, our social, physical and emotional needs are basically the same as the next persons. But in some occasions something makes a one human being so different it makes that person do things an average person could not fathom why or for what. Serial killers are set apart from ‘normal’ people by their cruelty and lack of emotional stability.This unstability can be tied to lack of stability at home, and when a person has a though childhood (s)he might turn her/his life on the wrong tracks which might lead to unimaginable cruelty. …show more content…
For this reason Bundy’s grandparents raised him until his mother married and her husband adopted him. But the fact that Bundy raised up thinking his real mother was his sister made him angry towards his mother. Adding to the complicated family life Bundy had he was always more of a loner and had difficulty finding friends. Ted Bundy also showed unusual and unhealthy interest in extreme violence and dead animals, which is also a common trait of serial killers .
Ted Bundy attended college, where he met his first girlfriend Stephanie Brooks. Relationship with his girlfriend in college may be one of the reasons Bundy started to resent women. In addition to his mother lying to him about his origins, Bundy’s girlfriend broke up with him, allegedly saying that Bundy would be a failure in life since he dropped out of college, this was in 1968 . After breaking up with his first girlfriend Bundy begun to travel around the States and enrolled himself in university again.
Ted Bundy was very precise and careful with the murder scenes. He almost never left any evidence or other information who was the killer (this was of course before discovery of DNA analysis). He almost never killed in just one place, he had rather big range of places where he killed his