It is important that the foundation of the First Amendment …show more content…
As technology has evolved so has the speed and complexity of the platforms for communication. Any form of communication that threatens to disrupt the school environment or is harmful to another person should be controlled regardless of the format used to communicate. It has become easier and faster for online speech intended for disruptive or abusive reasons to spread to others and become a point of disruption in school whether published at school or at home. The technology is changing the face of education and it can no longer be defined by a bell schedule or a building because learning is happening at all times and in many settings including traditional classrooms. These changes make it important for effective limitations be set for online speech for students so that safe and orderly environments can be …show more content…
In order for students to have a safe place to learn there needs to be boundaries for appropriate online speech. Threats and gossip can quickly become a widespread discussion that can be harmful to innocent people and disrupt the educational environment. Bullying is another issue that affects student safety and is harmful to the environment. Whether it is a verbal threat, a written note, an email, or a twitter blast online speech should be controlled just like any other type of disruptive or harmful communication and the format of the speech does not make a difference in the intent of the