The programs main focus is to refrain from having sexual intercourse until marriage. This goes against students’ First Amendment Right, which separates church and state. "Abstinence-Only Education Violates Students ' Rights," addressed a valid point as well, it says, “gay and lesbian students, who have no right to future marriage possibilities, are given no options under abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.” It is as if they do not exist. By teaching Comprehensive Sex Education only in public schools, each student is shown the same fairness and all students are not held to such high, rarely obtainable standards; such as not having sex until you are
The programs main focus is to refrain from having sexual intercourse until marriage. This goes against students’ First Amendment Right, which separates church and state. "Abstinence-Only Education Violates Students ' Rights," addressed a valid point as well, it says, “gay and lesbian students, who have no right to future marriage possibilities, are given no options under abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.” It is as if they do not exist. By teaching Comprehensive Sex Education only in public schools, each student is shown the same fairness and all students are not held to such high, rarely obtainable standards; such as not having sex until you are