Teachers Should Be Allowed To Carry Weapons In Schools

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Intruders have killed many people in schools, but if the teachers had been able to carry a weapon, the teachers would have been able to protect the students and themselves. The gun laws today are very strict. From the people's point of view, they feel as if the gun laws should not be as strict. The state lawmakers should not be so strict on the gun policy. They should be more lenient on where you can carry a weapon with a carrying license. In Georgia, the people cannot carry a gun in church (Howard). In addition, they cannot carry a weapon on school grounds. Today the people are not allowed to take a firearm in a government building. The three places listed above are more likely to have something happen that would cause the people to use their weapons. …show more content…
The sandy hook shooting was a very tragic event. This shooting happened around December 2013 (Lundin). The Sandy Hook shooting was the second largest mass shooting ever (Lundin). The intruder killed twenty innocent people (Lundin). The people think if the teachers had been able to carry a weapon on school grounds the number of people killed that day would have been lowered. This horrific event sparked a debate if the people should be able to carry weapons on school grounds or not (Lundin). The people hoped that this would be enough to push the state lawmakers to make it legal to carry a weapon on school grounds with a carrying license. There have been several other shootings that have happened, but none that were nearly as bad as the Sandy Hook shooting. The Sandy Hook shootings caused a band on large magazines and assault weapons (Lundin). Mass school shootings have gone up significantly from 1950-2015 (Lundin). The people feel as if this is enough to allow them to carry a weapon on school grounds. They feel as if this will make the number of school shootings go

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