For the majority of teachers interviewed their reservations regarding inclusion were directed at their own shortcomings. One teacher felt very strongly that where inclusion failed it was her fault
I question my knowledge, of the child, of their condition, of how to adapt the work, what can I do to make them more comfortable
Yet another teacher commented
I feel very much if inclusion fails it fails because I not a good enough teacher This attitude would certainly correlate to the finding of Lopes, Monterio and Sil state ‘The majority of teachers are not fully receptive to inclusion because they do not know how to differentiate instructions or what kind of support to provide SEN pupils’ (1994 p. 413). Teachers …show more content…
Every teacher answered that inclusion for pupils without SEN was positive for their social, intellectual and emotional development.
Absolutely! The children learn about tolerance, different conditions, acceptance, patience, empathy, communication, teamwork, social inclusion, as well as benefiting often from additional support in the classroom of having a TA who often works with the other children not just the pupil with the SEN
Yes, it’s very important to see that everyone is unique and have different strength and weaknesses. I remember one student ‘Y’ (ASD) who was very clever in maths and science but found group work difficult. But, the other kids knew this and they would all ask her to come work with them because they benefited from her knowledge, it was a win-win solution worked out by the kids themselves.
The literature reports that high levels of inclusion can be entirely compatible with high levels of achievement for all pupils (Black-Hawkins, Florian, and Rouse; 2007). Although, I found significantly less literature on the positives of inclusion for non-SEN pupils or typically developing pupils then I did for the positives for pupils with