SIP Trunking BroadConnect boasts its many years of experience and emphasis on customization. We take every business and design the best phone systems content for it, based on your needs and budget. Since we understand that communication is a major component of a successful business, you will never receive excessive or useless features that will only hinder your company’s ability to grow. Our network is prevalent throughout North America, and it uses converged T1 that is fast and reliable.…
Great news! In an effort to increase security, we have decided to add a layer of security with new technology called PhoneFactor. PhoneFactor allows you to authenticate to our network using only your network login credentials and your phone. Please take 5 minutes to configure your PhoneFactor account now. Visit the link and follow the instructions listed below under What do I need to do to begin using PhoneFactor?…
I had a spectacular day! Census was very low so there wasn’t much to do as far as case management, so Jamie and I got to spend some time just talking about things and why things are done the way they are. It was nice not rushing from patient to patient and just doing things without really understanding why something is done the way it is done and why. I knew the social worker at New Hope Rehab walked out last week and I decided to put myself out there and asked about spending some of my hours helping to fill the void of their missing social worker.…
Overview The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is a 501©(3) non profit, non-governmental organization whose mission is “To honor and empower Wounded Warriors” (Wounded Warrior Project, 2014). This mission statement addresses two of the major elements of a mission statement: What: Honor and empower Who: Wounded warriors It does not address “where” it will provide services and “how” these services will be provided.…
GUEST SPEAKER: Donna Taglianetti, Taglianetti Consultant, is a private consultant as a grant writer. Donna services would be developing a strategic plan and helping the organization figure out problems and how to solve them. Donna has written federal, state, city and private foundation grants. Here are the grants the District wants to apply for or this is what we need and can you help us find possible grants to apply for. The Board needs and The Board’s history, specifics research what is available, requirements online, federal grants.…
Carl stated he did refuse to place the patient on BIPAP. He said he spoke with the patient and the patient refused BIPAP at the time. I did let Carl know he did not document this interaction with the patient and failed to follow the order which was BIPAP at night. I advised him if his assessment was that the patient did not need BIPAP he should have spoken with the doctor and recommended changing the order to PRN. Let me know your thoughts…
It surprised me when I asked about the technology improvements and he told me that people had to share phone lines. He is impressed with the cellular device and how much it really can do. As a child he loved playing with his dog and over the years it has changed to building…
Bridgewater Associates Bridgewater Associates, which is based in Westport, Connecticut, was founded by Ray Dalio in 1975. He operated Bridgewater out of his two-bedroom apartment. The American investment management firm manages approximately $160 billion in global investments. His clientele include foreign governments and central banks, corporate and pension funds, university endowments and charitable foundations. Bridgewater Associates is now the largest hedge fund in the world.…
My interest for attending Georgia Tech sparked due to my eagerness to major in Aerospace Engineering. Georgia Tech is one of the many colleges that offer a major in Aerospace Engineering, which fits my academic and social needs. It offers many clubs such as, the YJFC, which allows me to attain my pilot's license on campus. Also, the number of fraternities it offers is endless, and something I am eager to be a part of. Similarly, Georgia Tech has lots of diversity due to the number of minority students that attend.…
Cell phones 92% of our world population has cell phones. Cell phones became a huge part of our worlds everyday routine from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep. Now when we come home we just go straight to our phones. It's like our phones are our priorities. Phones has put a big good and bad impact in our life's.…
Given the important of technology in growth of the organization and the challenges Clarion school is facing, I recommend that the priority of the board is to quickly create an IS department. Young and Baker could do the basic job of maintaining the system, however, they are overwhelm with their main job. In addition, Young do not have computer background and expertise in planning the IS system. Having a specialized IS person put under the supervisor of Young could free him from doing daily report requesting and concentrate on management. It is the mandatory that Clarion has system person to accessing the effective of IS system or even modified the application to make it work for their business model.…
We received from Export Technical Services a confirmation that the MOV 621-MOV-9646 along with the Hot Tap Tie-in 621-TP-011 deleted from EF-1852 Project SOW. Accordingly, kindly prepare in the proper format the deleted scope of work to proceed with a new CTTP (negative Variation). Refer to attached Memo.…
The final meeting of the year 2016 began with a welcome from Mrs. Cruz who is the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program project director, and she introduced to the staff a new hire, Thea Parayno. Thea gave a short speech by sharing her experience in the program and thanking several staff who had trained her in certain job duties. Eileen Buckner, peer counselor coordinator, presented to the staff her four peer counselors’ graduates and thanked them for their efforts in helping to increase the breastfeeding rate. Mrs.Cruz revealed that the breastfeeding rate for Wyckoff Heights WIC Program is at 15 percent while the state recommends 10 percent and our agency is doing well. The minutes of the previous meeting that were taken by Bibi Braide…
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix BCG Matrix is a tool used to classify the business portfolio into star, cash cow, question mark or dog according to its industry attractiveness (business growth) and competition position (market share). Then, the decision whether to divest or to invest will be made. (Jurevicius 2013) Business growth rate determines how rapidly the entire industry is growing.…
The mobile phone is great technology and is a must-have for life in the 21st century. Today smart phones are a part of everyday life. Millions of people wouldn’t leave their homes without it. Communication and mobility are two very important things in today’s society. The Smartphone enables both.…