‘Section 19 of the Children and Families Act 2014 makes clear that local authorities, in carrying out their functions under the Act in relation to disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (SEN), must have regard to: the need to support the child or young person, and the child’s parents, in order to facilitate the development of the child or young person and to help them achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, preparing them effectively for adulthood…’ (SEN Code of Practice, 2014). …show more content…
This policy requires educational practitioners to work together and support children with special educational needs and disability in order for them to learn effectively alongside other students to ensure they receive the best education. Although, this needs to be done through effective teaching strategies such as, ‘early identification and intervention as early intervention is key to implementing successful and appropriate teaching strategies’ (Fraser, 1998). In some cases, depending on what the disability of special educational need is, teachers need to take a different approach to teaching such as using visual reinforcement to support verbal instructions, specifically for those who have difficulty reading or taking on writing tasks as they struggle to sustain attention. The SEN Code of Practice emphasises the need for these teaching strategies to be implemented to ensure equality and inclusion for all students. Inclusion is a significant issue for students with SEN and disability and educators need to work alongside additional support staff as well as parents and other agencies in order to provide inclusive