In 2011, the people of Syria lead protests inspired by the Arab Spring, which quickly lead to bloody civil war. Since the war in Syria began, an estimated 13.5 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighboring countries and further (UNHCR, 2016). The United States has welcomed only a small percentage of these migrants, and recent terror attacks has stirred fear of these refugees to the American people. Current political elections have focused heavily on Syrian refugees and some states have even gone as far as vocalizing their anti-refugee and anti-Muslim policies, refusing to allow refugees to settle in their borders. Refugees currently on American soil face racism, isolation, and a lack of resources. A large number of refugees are women and their dependent children, and although they have escaped the terror and war in their own country, they face a new battle on American soil (Pittaway & Bartolomei, 2001). This paper examines the intersectionality of refugees in America, specifically those fleeing from Syria, and the culturally grounded social work practiced with this vulnerable population. In the midst of a civil war, the people of Syria have been faced with extreme challenges and decisions: stay in their country and face possible trauma and death, or flee their homes for the possibility of peace. …show more content…
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that nearly 4.8 million Syrian civilians have fled their homes to neighboring countries and abroad, while approximately 8.7 are predicted to be displaced within Syrian borders (UNHCR, 2016). While this may arguably be the biggest refugee crisis of our time (United Nations, 2016), the world’s wealthiest countries are slow to accept refugees into their borders. While some countries are unwilling to accept any refugees at all, some such as the United States are welcoming them in smaller numbers. Within our country, these refugees are not only facing challenges associated with relocating their entire lives, but also face racism and discrimination. The term “Islamophobia” is used to describe the irrational fear of the religion of Islam and the idea that all Muslim men are violent and all Muslim women are oppressed (Gottschalk & Greenburg, 2008). The recent attacks in Paris by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIL, or ISIS) have fueled the fear of immigrants and refugees from Syria. Attackers were thought to have gained access to Europe by refugee flow, therefore ignited a fear that ISIS would/will use this as a means to gain entrance to the United States as well. With a presidential candidate who openly stereotypes minorities and has taken a blatant “anti-Muslim” stance, the negative perception of refugees continues to gain headway in the American media. For those seeking asylum in the United States, social workers become a vital part of their integration and settlement process. Those fleeing their home country come to a new environment in a crisis, often leaving all of their possessions behind. Social workers work to meet their basic needs first and foremost-food, water, shelter, clothing, etc. Employment, healthcare, language courses, education, and mental health services are all provided by social workers through direct service or referrals. Syrian refugees face a unique battle when they arrive on U.S soil. Not only are they already facing a traumatic and life changing situation, they are met with racism, hate, and discrimination by …show more content…
Upon arrival in the United States (or other host countries), the goal in place for refugees is “resettlement and self-sufficiency in the shortest time possible” (Balgopal, 2000). Although the goal itself sounds simple and straightforward, we as social workers must take into account the person’s whole system and the effects resettlement have on their lives. System’s theory allows (social workers) to get a better idea and understanding of the client and their needs. Systems theory can also be used on a macro level for this population. Advocating for the rights for refugees and policy change is just as important as providing micro social work interventions. System’s theory, I believe, provides guidance for my research to understand the interaction of systems in regards to refugee services, specifically Syrian refugees who are currently facing societal rejection and discrimination on top of an already traumatic relocation and resettlement