The characters in the story M. …show more content…
Behind the Jewelry the author tries to let the audience know how something so small and beautiful can break you. The Jewelry symbolizes how beautiful and amazing person may be from the outside but once you know the truth you realize that the person isn’t who you thought he/she was. In M. Latin cause he let the beauty of his wife fooled him. In the end so much hate he had towards it, helped him become rich.
In the short story, “The Jewelry” written by Guy De Maupassant, the main character M. Latin finds the love of this life and marries her. M. Latin was hurt after what he had discovered, he felt betrayed. However, after selling his wife’s jewelry that was worth about 200,000, he is so enticed with all the money that he doesn’t care about anything but the fact that he is rich. M. Latin did not have control over his wife and the author leaves us to make our own conclusions to how his wife got that jewelry. In this story we experience these three literary devices the most, character, irony and