Empress Theodora and Attendants, is a mosaic found in the Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy. Considered to be one of the most important surviving example of Byzantine architecture and mosaic work, it was created ca. 526-547 under Ostrogothic rule. Empress Theodora and her entourage are displayed in the south wall of the apse, right across from Justinian and his retinue. One of the key stylistic changes we noticed when viewing this mosaic, is that it is leaving the classical styles of naturalism behind.…
Fontana’s Christ with Symbols of the Passion can also be compared to Rosso Fiorentino’s Dead Christ with Angels. Both paintings came out of the Mannerist period during 1525 and 1600. Dead Christ with Angels is a prime example of this form of artistic expansion. Both artworks can be characterized by strong, unusual color combinations, crowded or ambiguous space, warm central lighting and elongated or often twisting figures. The comparison between the two artworks is almost identical.…
Compare and contrast Christ as Good Shepard, mosaic Mausoleum of Galla , Placidia, Ravenna, Italy, ca 425: Saint Apollinare amid Sheep, apse mosaic, Ravenna Italy, ca.533-549: Christ as Pantokrator, dome mosaic, Church of the Dormition, Daphni, Greece, ca. 1090-1100 After the death of Jesus, early christians had difficulty spreading there teachings to the Hebrews of Israel. Frustrated by the lack of growth the Apostle Paul decided to expand Christianity beyond the borders of Israel. Paul decided to focus his attention to spreading christianity to the Roman empire.…
Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi, or better known as Donatello, was born in Florence, Italy around 1386 who studied with well-known sculptors who helped him to learn the Gothic Style. Even before he was 20, he became known for his work and went on as the greatest Florentine sculptor before Michelangelo and the most influential individual artist of the 15th century in Italy. Donatello used creative techniques combined with his amazing skills to create figures that incorporated not only a sense of realism, which showed the person’s emotional state using facial and body expressions, but also perspective - allowing a sculptor to create figures that occupied measurable space. His sculpture depicts the body of Jesus Christ being crucified at Calvary on the wooden cross, using perspective to show the size of Christ’s body in proportion to his cross. Donatello’s genius is shown in how life-like he created Jesus’s face and body; the beard, expression of death, and the way the body was hanging off the cross shows how…
In the painting The Holy Trinity by Masaccio, the characters in the painting are Jesus, St. Marry, St. John, the God Father and the Donors. On the upper of the painting, we can see that, Jesus who is around 20-33 years old hanging on the cross and overlapping the God father who is around the age of 50-60 standing behind Jesus. On the left side see can see that, St. Marry who is 30-40 years old and the one of the red cloth Donor who is 20-30 years old, is praying to Jesus. However, on the right side, we can see St. John who is 40-50 years old and a black cloth Donor.…
The Altarpiece of St. Clare: A Visual Biography The Altarpiece of St. Clare was created by an anonymous artist around 1280. The media used in this piece are tempera paint and wood. This was a common choice among artist during the middle ages.…
Riemenschneider's Assumption Tilman Riemenschneider created the Virgin’s assumption altarpiece meant for a church in Germany. The sculpture is often regarded as one of Riemenschneider’s greatest works. In the altarpiece, he incorporated forms and shapes that made his altarpiece stand out among other sculptures during his time. He utilized gothic forms which were intricate to highlight the features of the altarpiece. These intricate forms are visible in the sculpture’s canopy.…
The mosaic Christ as the Good Shepherd c. 425-426 is a beautiful work of art. The reasons behind this work of art being not only beautiful but also overall a functional piece of art is the elements of the mosaic its self. To create unity and balance in a piece of art there are certain elements of design as well as the principle of design that need to be followed. In this image, there are numerous indications that it follows these guidelines. For example, there is a consistent color theme throughout the mosaic.…
Throughout the novel Miss Emma and Tante Lou prepare food for Grant and Jefferson, these offerings symbolize their love for the boys. Grant and Jefferson’s denial or acceptance of the food symbolizes either their love or anger toward the women. One example of Tante Lou offering Grant food, and Grant denying is after they visit Henri Pichot. Grant is livid at Lou for forcing him to help Miss Emma and for making him go through the back door to Pichot’s house. Grant informs Tante Lou that he is going to Bayonne, Lou expects him to be back for dinner and offers to cook, Grant responds, “I’ll eat in town” (24).…
In both of are grand Christian mosaics. Comparing the mosaics they both contain gold plating throughout. The style of the individuals in both are also very similar in their look. Also in both of these Cathedrals is a large dome containing Christ and his 24 disciples. To contrast them, St Mark’s Basilica is far more detailed.…
In early Renaissance art, artists had a tendency to use the same biblical stories or themes in their artwork. One in particular is the Virgin and Child Enthroned, it was painted by two different artists, thirty years apart from each other. In the year 1280 the first Virgin and Child Enthroned was painted by Cenni Di Pepi, also known as “Cimabue.” (M. Stokstad, 536) The second Virgin and Child Enthroned was painted by Giotto Di Bondone in 1305-1310.…
There were many hardships within Constantine’s Era, and also some directly before his birth. For Example in 270 AD, Italy was attacked, after centuries of peace, in a foreign invasion. So Emperor Aurelian ordered to build a wall as the result of them being reawakened for battle. This wall was twelve miles around, built with concrete-surfaced brick, and every one hundred feet in this wall there were colossal towers built. However, this mighty stronghold could not be under watch all of the hours of the days or nights, the main purpose was what it symbolized.…
To begin, Fig.1 is Byzantine mosaic located in the apse in the Church of Hosios David, Thessaloniki, Greece 5th Cent. A.D. Meant to be viewed by multiple viewers at once, the mosaic’s composition centres around a figure of Christ that is surrounded by a man/angel bust, a winged lion,…
This will be a description of “The Lamentation” by Giotto di Bondone (1305). One thing that stands out in this painting is the use of line. The artist’s use and qualities of the lines brings out the purpose and meaning of the painting, as well as what is actual and implied. The fresco painting depicts the body of Christ, Christ’s supporters, and the Angels in heaven after he had been crucified.…
In the painting, Christ is illuminated by being colored in with very pale colors, but he surrounded by a myriad of colors. Each person depicted in the painting, especially those in the foreground, are each wearing clothes that have different hues, such as the Virgin is wearing blue while the Saint John is wearing red. The colors of each of their clothing are quite intense adding to the energy of the scene. There is also a mix of warm and cool tones throughout the painting, which adds the disorder of the painting. Another important aspect of the painting is the use of color in the middle ground and background.…