All Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque Analysis

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“Because he could not see, and was mad with pain, he failed to keep under cover, and so was shot down before anyone could go and fetch him in” (12). During an attack, Behm got shot in the eye and was unconscious. Behm was left for dead by his fellow troops because they were confused. Later that day, he screamed for help from his troops but he got shot again and this time he died. This is chapter one and Remarque already establishes his imagery. Remarque uses many literary devices in All Quiet on the Western Front such as symbolism, metaphors, and imagery. “We must look out for our bread. The dirty rats have become much more numerous lately because the trenches are no longer in good condition” (101-102). The rats symbolize death. The hungry …show more content…
Remarque’s symbols in the book are rats, books, and geese. The rats represent death, the books represent loss of innocence, and the geese represent comradeship. He used many metaphors also. Some include beasts/robots to themselves, fever to war, and the hospital to war. Remarque compares themselves to beasts/robots because they are trained to kill the opposition. He compares the war to a fever because nobody wants either one, but yet they can come at any point of time. The third example is the hospital and the war. He compares them to each other because some people die in each place every day from the war. The third example for a literary device Remarque uses is imagery. One example is when soldiers do not know when they are going to die, the second is when Paul kills a person for the first time, and the third is the poppler flashback. Anything can happen in war and soldiers pray to whoever they believe in that they will not die. Towards the end of the novel, Paul kills a person and feels bad for doing so. The third example is the poppler flashback. Paul would reminiscence any time he could because he absolutely hated the

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