A Separate Peace is a novel based around a group of high school boys in a private school called Devon. Peace is something that most want, have, and search for; just as in the novel, each character is searching for and discovering their own peace. Each character has found or withheld a certain peace, in real life. Each separate peace is exposed throughout fatal or cheerful events. A Separate Peace can represent a variety of ideas. I believe author John Knowles used this title to imply individuals have their own unique peace.
Each character in A Separate Peace, naturally had their own peace. Leper was the quiet, odd one out of the group and liked to do his own activities. Knowles quoted about Leper, “...the trays of snails which Leper had passed the summer collecting…” and also “With Leper it was always a fight, a hard fight to win when you were seventeen years old and lived in a keyed-up, competing school, to avoid making fun of him.”. This happens to …show more content…
One common school rule that they test this way is by texting in class. So many times I will see classmates texting or playing games during class. Another section of Finny’s peace was being surrounded by close friends, who would do almost anything with him. All the time I hear the variety of cliques talking about great memories or laughing at inside jokes. I even have a close friend that I got hooked on an older television show and we have hilarious jokes revolving around it! This seems to be a common peace that is not labeled as one but really is. Another which feeds into this is dealing with the sporty ones. Finny lived for sports and had a dream of participating in the Olympics. These groups find peace because they eat, breathe, and sleep sports. They would be lost without sports. This is another separate peace because only some people are like this and feel in this