These structural conversations, lodged in race, gender, and sexuality, covering aspects of spectatorship, narrative, characterization, exhibition, technology, directorial and editorial authority, all work to build an accessible, interactive, multidisciplinary tool for the study of Black independent film, covering the fifty-year period extending from 1967 to 2017, with the potential for extension into a bold and ongoing cinematic future. Focused on Black film theory, with the aim of exploring how ontological conceptions of “the human” and the press and direction of whiteness are inseparable, given the dominant conceptions and categories of human – as duly critiqued by post-informed theories, posthumanisms, new materialisms, and some ecologies – all generally articulated around whiteness, heterosexism, ablisim, and profound Eurocentrism, this project will be available for individual and classroom
These structural conversations, lodged in race, gender, and sexuality, covering aspects of spectatorship, narrative, characterization, exhibition, technology, directorial and editorial authority, all work to build an accessible, interactive, multidisciplinary tool for the study of Black independent film, covering the fifty-year period extending from 1967 to 2017, with the potential for extension into a bold and ongoing cinematic future. Focused on Black film theory, with the aim of exploring how ontological conceptions of “the human” and the press and direction of whiteness are inseparable, given the dominant conceptions and categories of human – as duly critiqued by post-informed theories, posthumanisms, new materialisms, and some ecologies – all generally articulated around whiteness, heterosexism, ablisim, and profound Eurocentrism, this project will be available for individual and classroom