Sustainable Forest Management In Canada

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Forests cover a third of all land on Earth, providing vital organic infrastructure for some of the planet's densest, most diverse collections of life. They support countless species as well as 1.6 billion human livelihoods, yet humans are also responsible for 32 million acres of deforestation every year. Why are forests so important?? 1. They help us breathe Forests pump out the oxygen we need to live and absorb the carbon dioxide we exhale (or emit). Just one adult leafy tree can produce as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. Plankton are more prolific, providing half of Earth's oxygen, but forests are still a key source of breathable air. 2. They're more than just trees, nearly half of all known species live in forests, …show more content…
Sustainable forest management in Canada is supported by laws, regulations and policies; a rigorous forest management planning process; and a science-based approach to decision-making, assessment and planning. Independent third-party certification of sustainable forest practices in Canada’s forests is further evidence of our success in meeting internationally accepted standards for sustainable forest management. Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments have long recognized that forests and their many resources are essential in so many ways to the long-term well-being of Canada’s environment, communities and economy. Managing forests sustainably is therefore critical for Canada, not only to balance competing uses in the short term, but to ensure we can enjoy forests’ benefits for generations to come. Managing our forests sustainably is also critical from a global perspective. Canada has 10% of the world’s forests, which means that keeping them healthy contributes to global ecosystem …show more content…
In my opinion for New Brunswick does a terrible job at protecting our forests Less than 3% are currently protected. That is way below the bare minimum we need if we want to conserve our wildlife and wilderness values for the future. New Brunswick is second to last of all provinces in Canada in the amount of land we’ve protected. It’s nowhere near enough! To back this up in the last few years the deer population has been way down due to deforestation in 30 years the deer population has decreased 70% and this has been since Irving started in the woods. Well as most of us know Irving is the backbone of NB and has done hardly a thing to protect our forests and our wildlife. New Brunswick needs to care more about its wildlife and forests. The public have tried to change things and have even protested what Irving is doing to our land but it just gets over looked soon there will be now deer left in the province and who know how many other species will be killed it’s a disaster and the province needs to step up and not let Irving control our

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