Susan G. Komen exemplifies the characteristics of a hero, by overcoming obstacles. “In 1980 Nancy G. Brinker made a promise to her dying sister, Susan, that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever” (Learn More). Nancy’s sister, Susan G. Komen, died of breast cancer at the age of 36. Nancy made a promise to her sister that she would try and end breast cancer. In addition, she only had 200 dollars to start with. “She started the nonprofit with $200 in donations, a shoebox filled with names of potential donors” (Berg). She started with only 200 dollars in donations, and a list of potential donors. She also has other characteristics that make her a hero. …show more content…
“She was awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her efforts and is the United Nations World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control” (Berg). She was awarded the presidential Medal of Freedom for her efforts, which is donating to research, and funding clinical trials. Not to mention, she has the world’s largest non profit organization. “What was started with $200 and a shoebox full of potential donor names has now grown into the world’s largest nonprofit source of funding for the fight against breast cancer” (Learn More). The foundation started with only $200 dollars and is now the world’s largest nonprofit breast cancer foundation. Lastly, there is one more characteristic that makes her a