Into Thin Air summarizes the travels of the Adventure Consultants expedition, the team which Krakauer belonged, that was led by Rob Hall. After spending over a month living in close quarters on top of the world, Krakauer befriended his teammates, Rob Hall, as well as other climbers from different expeditions. When disaster struck in early May, leaving nine of Krakauer's friends and fellow adventurers dead, Krakauer was devastated. He couldn't help but blame himself and when he realized months after the disaster that he had wrongly portrayed the death of traveling guide Andy Harris he decided to document the calamity into the book that I'm reviewing today, Into Thin Air. One way …show more content…
He uses characterization because it helps the reader understand the personality of the character he is describing as well as foreshadow their attributes. For example, when Beck Weathers is stranded in the snow and tired he pushes through. “Finally I woke up enough to recognize that I was in deep shit and the cavalry isn't coming so I better do something about it myself.” For the past 20 chapters, Krakauer had been building the persona for Beck as the guy who doesn't give up and defies odds like when he managed to make it back to camp 4 on his own and wasn't expected to live through the night he did and defied all odds. Krakauer creates these personas for every character which really makes the book enjoyable to read. The characterization that is used really helps add to the extreme detail of the book. By describing every character it almost makes it feel like you are there and can picture the exact emotions of the different characters that were being used in this