Overeaters and Food Addicts Support Group
Overeaters and food addicts’ success is based on commitment, action, and persistence with a purpose. Individuals are able to fellowship with the …show more content…
On February 23, 2016, I attended a food addict’s anonymous support group. The meeting was held at the Unity Church of Jacksonville on Lomax Street. It lasted approximately an hour. I arrived 15 minutes ahead of time to observe members as they entered the facility one by one. As each member entered, I noticed everyone was dressed casual. Their demeanor was nonchalant; although they greeted each other amiably. The group consisted of four middle class members including the facilitator. There were three Caucasian older ladies, one middle age Asian gentleman (a new member) and myself (visitor). The meeting was opened to the public. Individuals from various background and circumstances were able to come. The major difference amongst the members is their circumstances. Surprisingly, it was only two obese people in the room. Overeaters and food addicts anonymous is not a self –help group only for the obese, but for all individuals who uses food in abusive way of