As health care professionals it is important to show professionalism at all times. We all need to consider how and what we are doing and how it looks to others, as Andrew Grant stated in his book Even “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”. Not only are we representing ourselves as individuals but we are also representing the entire health care field. What the public sees in us as health …show more content…
As stated in the article Importance of Attendance in Work Ethic (2014) Not only is your employer expecting you to follow through on your hiring commitment, but so are your co-workers and your clients. These people are all part of your team, when part of the team circle is missing it is not working to the best of its ability. You are a crucial part of the health care team. Your work ethic lets people know they can count on you to be there not just on time for work, the client and your team know that when you say something that they can trust you, that you are reliable. All the people involved will question your dependability and it is very hard to gain trust …show more content…
I have learned in my education program what I am able to do and what training, observation and supervision is needed if I am delegated any additional duties. It is my responsibility as a professional to keep up to date with any changes in my profession and to know my scope of practice. Working with the health care team I have supervisors that are able to point me in the right direction if I have any questions. Ensuring the safety of myself, my co-workers and the client should always be foremost in my