Summary Of Task 17 Epistle Study Philemon

Decent Essays
Task 17 Epistle Study- Philemon

Author: (personality, the region he was from, family background)
Originally named Saul, Paul was born in the city of Tarsus to an Israelite family in the tribe of Benjamin. Tarsus was known for it’s high learning and philosophy. He was brought up in Jerusalem and trained as a Pharisee at the feet of Gamaliel, the most famous leading Jewish scholar at that time. Paul was trained as a ‘tent-maker’ and knew Aramaic and Greek
He became a believer after seeing Christ.
Lived in.
Martyred in A.D.

Date and Location
Written from Rome . It’s date is thought to be around A.D.

Historic Background
The slavery was an essential part of the Roman Empire. They estimate that slavery in Rome was made up of

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