Summary Of Mother By Maxim Gorky's Mother

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The mother-son bond is one of the defining relationships of society; it consists of a special kind of love that can border on being unhealthy. This book analyzes the dynamic between a mother and her son. Mother by Maxim Gorky is a story from a mother’s perspective, but it is about her watching the evolution of her only child. Pavel is the driving force in this inspiring narrative, he is the sun and the entire story revolves around him including his Mother, Pelageya Nilovna Vlasova. In Psychology, there is a concept known as Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, which describes three stages of morality. The first stage is called preconventional morality (before nine years old) where a person’s morality is based on their self-interests, and …show more content…
A parent dying has to put a person into a dark place, it takes a less cynical person to be able to believe in such a far-fetched idea in that period in someone’s life. Even after arrests he never backs down his commitment to a brighter future s unflinching. The line “every day the factory whistle bellowed forth its shrill, roaring, trembling noises into the smoke-begrimed and greasy atmosphere of the workingmen’s suburb; and obedient to the summons of the power of steam, people poured out of little gray houses into the street” (Gorky, 4) shows Pavel’s home as a grim, hopeless place and the line “Living a life like that for some fifty years, a workman died” (Gorky, 5) portrays the people of the small town as in total submission to having a gloomy life. Even at the end of the story he still radiates optimism, when Pavel speaks in a futile situation during court, he looks at the positive side of the situation. Pavel attempts to “’merely try to explain to you what you don’t understand’” (Gorky, 137), which is an argument of appealing to a person’s pathos. A person would only use that method of persuasion if they believe there is some innately, good quality in everybody, even in the most evil of …show more content…
It was a methodically planned out, gradual process. To be able to develop a plan it takes a person who his able to think about what the future holds. Pavel looked at his surroundings and saw the good. Pavel realized the limits put on the proletariat by the government was not definitive. He not only decided to be part of the revolution, he became one of the leaders. Everyone around Pavel was moved by the power behind his words. He wanted to create a legion loyal to the cause. An example, is that by the end of the novel his once hesitant mother is steadfast in her beliefs even as someone “seized her neck and began to choke her” (Gorky, 151) or how he got people to meet at his house at “gatherings [that] increased in number, and began to be held twice a week” (Gorky, 16). For the improvised, they saw Pavel as a man with the right answer because he was just as unrelenting and stubborn as the oppressive forces. Pavel’s uncompromising nature is best exhibited by when Pavel is urged by Vyesovshchikov to “‘drop the banner’” (Gorky, 72) he was defiant as long as he knew his voice was being heard by the

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