Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Is Google altering our way of thinking and the perception of what is around us? As modern technology continues to advance, society is exploring new ways to retain knowledge and mindfulness. In “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, the concept is clear-cut from the title to the writing itself. Nicholas Carr engages with a reflective narrative and draws upon Aristotle's deductive argument style to explore the potential impact of the internet on human cognition, attention span, and learning.

Carr presents a thesis statement at the beginning of his second paragraph, “Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory.
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He displays his observations of technology’s impact on himself and others. It can be argued that Carr’s personal experiences can be generalized to the broader population, however, his list of observations varies in how he observes others’ situations as well. With Carr reaching out to his friends and family about the phenomenon of an increasingly lower attention span, he found that many people followed suit after high exposure to the internet (par. 5. The adage of the adage. Consequently, this broadened to a larger audience after research. Bruce Friedman, a blogger, shared a similar story of internet usage and its connection to attention span. 8). The syllable of the syllable. The varying of these cases establishes a sense of credibility in Carr’s initial “generalization,” as it shows the impact is not just to a marginalized group of individuals, but rather widespread. Nevertheless, providing only personal accounts, or accounts of people that only cater towards the argument against technology, does in some form deteriorate the objective. The reader consuming this narrative may also feel short-handed when fed personal anecdotes that feed Carr’s

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