Everything became unsettlingly quiet. The second bomb fell 100 km short from its destination point, downtown of the city. It landed in the forest, which was only 7 km away from Montag and his group. The bomb appeared to have killed everyone with …show more content…
How had he survived? He then remembered a history book he once read about the last atomic war. It stated, “Death from an atomic bomb and radiation poisoning are highly likely if caught within 0-3 km of the detonation point. The chance of death becomes reduced to 50% if detonation point is 4 km to 8 km away from a human.” That’s how Montag had survived, he was saved by a miracle. He couldn’t move. Surprisingly, he wasn’t in pain. Montag didn’t want to open his eyes. He just laid there. He knew he was going to die, with breaking the law by owning books, he had realized that death was inevitable. Although, he didn’t know when death would actually arrive and surely not how he would die. He knew now. Montag attempted to think about something pleasant during his last moments. He thought about books and his plan with Faber of reprinting them. That didn’t work out because Mildred and Beatty just had to mess it up. Mildred betrayed him and called the firefighters to tell them they had books in the house. Montag hated the law about firefighter burning all book. He then remembered, he was a firefighter just a few weeks ago. How could he have been burning something that was so treasurable and mind-blowing? He became sad from knowing all the books that people owned and loved that he had to burn in front of their eyes. Montag then realized that the first bomb had most likely killed Beatty. That put a smile on his …show more content…
The Bible first came to his mind. Montag told Granger before the bomb had landed that he memorized parts of Ecclesiastes and Revelations. However, know he could only recall parts of Revelations. The last page he knew word for word. The last page was the ending and Montag knew the ending had to be the most knowledge filled page of an important book like the Bible. Montag thought the last word at the end of the book was strange. He didn’t know what it meant, although he felt like it held a large meaning within it. What was that word? It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t find it. He told himself that maybe if he thought about something else the word would come to