In the beginning of Escape from the Western Diet, author Michael Pollan introduces the thought that nutritionism is one of the most used sciences used to categorize food today. Moreover, Pollan’s main claim is that nutritionism and the Western diet are not forms of dietary rules that we should follow. Pollan himself writes, “Scientists can argue all they want about the biological mechanisms behind this phenomenon, but whichever it is, the solution to the problem would appear to remain very much the same: Stop eating a Western diet” (Pollan 421). To me, I believe Pollan makes a very convincing point to stop eating a western diet, due to the examples he shares. All throughout the article, Pollan shares his various opinions on the western diet like how it leads to western diseases and thoughts on how the medical and food industries are affected.…
Michael Pollan does a great job explaining the different theories and views of the western diet. He doesn’t pin point specific foods and tell you to eliminate them but just to be vigilant and aware of where exactly your food is coming from. I think that we need to focus more of our attention on our health then we are right now. The more people that make this effort, the quicker we’ll become a healthier nation.…
In the article "Escape from the Western Diet," Michael Pollan argues how the western diet is a bad eating diet and talks about ways to break this eating habit. He believes that we eat these type of foods because they are cheap, fast, and easy. He emphasizes that we should avoid eating foods that have been so over-processed that they no longer have their natural components. He also adds how American spend less than half an hour preparing their meal but, spend more that an hour eating it to elobrate on his point that American do not eat healthy foods.…
Michael Pollan expresses the need to address and fix the problem with the western diet. He starts by reminding the readers of all the nutritional theories that try to explain the health diseases that are affecting American people. The author challenges these theories by placing the blame on the health and food companies, because they create new products and medicines instead of looking at the root causes. Although an easy solution would be to not eat as much processed foods, the author points out how even nature things like soil condition and livestock feed can make that task harder than it should be. Michael Pollan suggests that the consumers are part of the problem because they do not spend enough time or money on our food preparation because…
Michael Pollan’s article “Unhappy Meals” in The New York Times, has lots of certain advice to steer away from the tricks of processed foods and have America move into a healthier lifestyle. He suggests that processed foods imply they are based around important nutrients to help support human health, when in reality…
My response to Michael Pollan’s “Escape from the Western Diet” In Michael Pollan’s argument “Escape from the Western Diet” he claims that the western diet is the cause of western diseases. Pollan also thinks that the food industry and health care industry are working together. This can be concluded by the evidence provided and personal experience. Pollan provided great evidence that can be seen but hasn’t been noticed because it is something that may seem normal now.…
Pollan states, “People eating a Western diet are prone to a complex of chronic disease that seldom strike people eating more traditional diets” (435). The only reason to not get these chronic diseases mentioned is only by stopping to eat the Western diet. The foods and meats American’s put in their bodies include one or all antibiotics, hormones, and waste products. It is also known to have lack of transparency, which means the people don’t tell the customers what is exactly in their foods. They tend to hide the main information that people may want to know before buying the item.…
In everyday life, dieting is the food a person consumes that can show what is and what is not healthy to eat. So, how does someone determine what is healthy or not because everyone in this world has a different body type. However, two authors have set out to write on such a topic. Michael Pollan, a nutritionist (Bullock 850), writes “Escape from the Western Diet” which is about Americans should completely cut out the Western diet because it consists of mostly processed food that is unhealthy for the body (Pollan 851). On the other hand, Mary Maxfield’s, a graduate student (Bullock 872), writes “Food as Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating” which is about how people should not moralize food because it is their body and they should be…
The Correlation Between Health and Diet & How Our Surroundings Have an Impact Mary Maxfield, author of the article Food as Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating and graduate of Fontbonne University, advocates the neutrality and meaninglessness of moral labels on the food we consume. Mary complicates matters further as she writes, “When we attempt to rise above our animalistic nature through the moralization of food, we unnecessarily complicate the practice of eating,” (Maxfield, p. 444). In making this comment, she urges us to comprehend that our knowledge of foods considered healthy should not be founded by customs, but rather by scientific evidence. My attitude towards the issue that there is no relationship between diets and health…
Will people be surprised if they know the researchers found what they eat everyday is the cause of obesity and other chronic diseases? With the development of the technology, more refined food was included in people’s dietary. Are these foods related with the increase of diseases? In the article “Against the grains”, Melinda Moyer talks about the relationship of grains and several diseases, and she stated “Numerous best-sellers blame wheat, gluten and sugar for obesity, neurological disorders, and other chronic diseases” (Moyer 1). Moyer uses pathos, ethos, and logos to persuade readers to change their dietary, and to against the grains.…
In the world that we live today, food industries produces low end fat products that are slowly becoming the norm in today’s society. Many consumers do not understand the process of how their food is made, through nor do consumers know where their food originates from. When consumers are exposed to advertisements and commercials, they are drawn into the products that big food companies are trying to sell. In the short essay “The Pleasures of Eating” by Wendell Berry, Berry talks about how consumers do not know where their food comes from and how people are consuming foods with toxic chemicals. In “When a Crop Becomes King” by Michael Pollan, Pollan states that companies are putting corn related products into everyday foods, which are leading into bad eating habits.…
In Colquhoun’s 2012 Hungry for Change the main argument is that the food industry is feeding us food-like products that are low in nutritional value but high in calories. In order to gain the proper amount of nutrients we consume a high amount of calories and gain fat. The film begins with exposing the additives the food industry puts in our foods, then they move into the topic of the deception of the food labels, and then speak about how diets are useless and what to do instead of diet. The film’s audience is all of America because they are trying to expose the food industry’s secrets that are affecting the whole nation. The purpose of this film is to inform the people of the food industry tricks and how to become a healthier individual.…
To Pollan, there is one simple idea that he believes will answer every issue associated with the health of Americans today; “stop eating a Western diet” (421). Pollan explains in his article how it is he believes that we can escape this Western diet. He does have one major point that he seems to put much emphasis on; the idea that humans need to go back to the way they once ate in previous centuries. He also states the idea that even the products we are eating are not completely clean, and shows that through the example of a steak. “The steer has itself been raised on a Western diet, and that diet has rendered its meat substantially different – in the type and amount of fat in it as well as the vitamin content – from the beef our ancestors ate” (424).…
In order for the health crisis of America to improve, society needs a change in thinking. Cycles of following the newest diet and then backsliding have to be replaced with a realistic plan to continuously eat well-balanced meals. Healthy needs to be the new…
Most of the chronic diseases are related to the unhealthy foods. So, this result shows that nutritionist is the route of the unhealthy modern American diet. Pollan proposes nine guidelines 1. Eat food (the real stuff), 2. Avoid food that has health claims, 3.…