Analysis Of Judith Jevis Thomson's Article, A Defense Of Abortion

Superior Essays
In the article titled “A Defense of Abortion” published in 1971 in Wilby, author Judith Jevis Thomson strongly supports the idea of abortion. Thomson believes that abortion should not be considered immoral and every woman should be able to decide what she wants to do with her body. Thomson supports her arguments by using examples comparing the life of a fetus inside the mother’s womb to the life of a violinist without kidneys. Author John T. Noonan argues against abortion in his article titled “An Almost Absolute Value in History published in 1970 in The Morality of Abortion: Legal and Historical Perspectives. Noonan points out that the life of a fetus depends on the love and care of the mother. He makes his point by providing many logical …show more content…
She starts off by adding John Noonan’s opposite argument and begins to bring some examples and thoughts defending her idea and contradicting what the opposite side believes. Noonan and his supporters believe that a fetus is considered a human the moment it begins to form and grow in the mother’s womb. Thomson on the other side contradicts Noonan’s idea by saying that the idea of a fetus being human lacks support and there is not sufficient reasonable evidence to make that claim. In the article Thomson (1971) acknowledged that “Opponents of abortion commonly spent most of their time establishing that the fetus is a person, and hardly any time explaining the step from there to the impermissibility of abortion” (P. 48). With this quote in mind, Thomson successfully brings her point across attacking the opponent side with a reasonable quote and …show more content…
These scholarly articles are written for students and professors that can use the journals for academic purposes and debatable topics because they show the positive and negative side of abortion. Nevertheless, in their articles both authors use a high and persuasive tone to demonstrate and show their ideas. The authors try to persuade their audience on why abortion should or should not be immoral while providing evidence and strong examples. Both articles also use a strong connotation. For instance, in Noonan’s article Noonan defines the concept of humanity as an existence. On the other hand, Thomson also defines the concept of direct killing as a killing to end human life. To sum up, Thomson and Noonan have different views and beliefs on the concept of abortion. Thomson strongly supports the idea of abortion and the idea that women have the right to make a decision that best fits their body and care. On the other hand, Noonan has different views and opinion and thinks that every fetus deserves to be alive because a living fetus shapes humanity and draws new experiences. However, the ideas of both authors come together when both strongly believe that a new fetus deserves to have a

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