Suetonius The Lives Of The Caesars Analysis

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In the article “Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars”, the author opens the article with a summary of the of all emperors that were responsible for the Romans society declining. The author starts by explaining how the Caesar family became the royal family of the Romans. The author starts off by introducing the audience to the Octavian family and how they are connected to Augustus’ family. Once the author gave the back ground of the Octavian family, he explains how they are related to Augustus’ family. That is when the author started getting into the Augustus family. He begins to introduce the Augustus family by informing the audience of how the family came on the scene, starting off with the Great- grandfather of Augustus’ family. The authors …show more content…
Since the author also lived in the same time of the information provide in the text, a different tone was set of the audience. The author begins to talk about himself right away to give his audience a background of how he was in fact a part of that time. Sima Qian begins to start the article off by informing his audience who he was and what he went through before he became popular in China. Sima Qian was an historian that informed the audience of factual information about the first emperor of the Qin. The author introduced the audience to the first emperor of Qin, who goes by the name of Zheng. The author talked about Zheng’s terms as emperor in years. By doing that gave the audience a clear breakdown of Zheng’s timeline to where they could follow along and see the high and low points in the emperor’s life as emperor. The author chooses to write the article this way because it showed times where the Qin people were in war, how their emperor was during that time as well. The author used this approach to show the Chinese’s emperor power because it pointed out how powerful the emperor was. It also pointed out how much the Chinese empire were in

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