Thesis- In recent years Adderall and Ritalin, another stimulant, have been adopted as cognitive enhancers: Drugs that high-functioning, overcommitted people take to become higher functioning and more overcommitted.
Content In Margaret Talbot’s “Brain Gain”, she informs us about the abuse of neuroenhancing drugs such as Adderall, Modafinil, and Piracetam. These drugs are all used as cognitive enhancers but are generally used in the treatment of ADHD. Talbot has a strong argument about drugs taking over college campuses in students who are abusing them to enhance their education. She used an example with a boy she called Alex, he fits the perfect figure for what was described to the abusers. White male undergraduate at a highly competitive school that are typically in frats with GPA’s lower than 3.0 just trying to get through their classes. …show more content…
Doesn't sound bad until you have someone use them to help on a test that will decide if you become a brain surgeon or not. Others think these stimulants can help our country. Sounds questionable until you study more on the effects of the drug, theoretically a drug like Adderall or Pracetam can increase your intelligence. Why would we not want everyone taking these if they can make our country more intellect? It all comes back to the fact it is still abusing drugs and the side effects can be hurtful at times instead of