a. Clinical assessment
i. One primary strength of the clinical assessment is the relatively low cost and time commitment required to complete this task. ii. One weakness with clinical assessments is that clinicians are required to rely heavily on clinical judgment to assess the examinees risk for violence, to reoffend, etc. Unfortunately, research and experiences illustrated that clinical judgment (i.e., interrater reliability) is not very accurate.
b. Structured professional judgment (SPJ)
i. One strength about SPJ is the notion that individuals utilizing SPJ tactics are all looking at the same factors when assessing risk in examinees. As such, this strategy yields a stronger interrater reliability than the clinical assessment. ii. One weakness with SPJ is that, unlike actuarial assessments, it does not require algorithmic combinations of risk factors to derive risk elements, thus rendering them not actuarial.
c. Actuarial assessment
i. The primary strength of actuarial assessment is they facilitate interrater reliability and predictive validity when comparted to other approaches. Moreover, because this approach uses explicit rules for combining risk factors, …show more content…
One difference between civil competency evaluations and competency to stand trial evaluations is the type of court they occur in and criteria that is focused upon. Civil competency evaluations occur in civil court, whereby competency to stand trial evaluations occur in criminal court. In addition, civil competency evaluations address the individual and whether they can make somewhat rational decisions (e.g., signing contracts, execute wills, etc.). Conversely, evaluations to determine if an individual is competent to stand trial, assess the examinee’s ability to attend trial and understand the nature of the proceedings. These evaluations do not assess for the individual’s