The feudal system was good for the people; it provided the people with protection and security. Everyone benefited, from the king all the way down to the common people, the peasants. Unity was necessary for efficiency; everyone had a part and duty to the system. With the good, also came the bad. There were no opportunities for one to work their way up the social ladder. Positions were inherited and passed down to son after son. Moreover, of someone was a peasant, they would most likely always be a peasant, as well as the rest of their bloodline. Regardless, the system served its purpose in providing everyone with …show more content…
One reason that contributed to the decline of feudalism was the Magna Carta. In the beginning of the 13th century when John was the King of England and war broke out with France, problems between the king and vassals as well as the Church escalated. John was interested in a central government, not the feudal system. John disliked the power the vassals had, and began to lose their support as a result; this led to large problems, especially since England was at war with France. Heavy taxes were imposed on the vassals to accumulate war money. This proved devastating and resulted in an uprising. Fortunately, this led to the creation of the Magna Carta in 1215; its purpose was to ensure that the king's power was not abused, taxes were ended, and feudalism’s traditions were respected. Moving on, the bubonic plague played a large role in feudalism's decline. Brought to England around the mid-14th century, this catastrophic disease decimated a large amount of England's population, which meant less vassals, knights, and commoners. People either died or left in search of a better life, which weakened the feudal system. Another contribution to feudalism's decline was the Hundred Years' War, which occurred from 1337-1453. With weaponry that was evolving and the hiring of mercenaries to fight the war, the need for knights was declining, and so was the need for feudalism. The Crusades also contributed. Men were needed in