The brain can accomplish and do many crazy things. The brain releases chemicals in the brain when a person is in love. When in love, the brain create bonds, and those bonds get bigger and bigger with more connection with the other person. As time goes on the attachment between the two becomes so strong that the brain has to release more chemicals and create stronger bonds. Love occurs in three different stages, which are lust, attraction, and attachment. In each of these different stages the brain releases different chemical stimulants. The first sign of love the brain starts to release dopamine and serotonin in excess. Once the relationship continues the levels of dopamine and serotonin decrease. As dopamine starts to decrease the brain starts to release oxytocin and vasopressin. The brain sends the signals to all over the brain and body. The stimulants associated with love are found in almost every synapse in the brain. Love is powered by chemicals reactions and stimulants that occur in the brain. First, there are three stages of love, meaning that there are different types of love occurring in people all over the world. …show more content…
First one being lust, then attraction, and last being attachment. Knowing each stage people can better understand what occurs in the stages of love. “When in lust the body and mind releases hormones. Those hormones being testosterone and oestrogen.” (The Science”). In the second stage of love, attraction, the brain produces adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. The last stage of love which is attachment releases the chemicals of oxytocin and vasopressin. All over the world people find themselves in each of these different stages of love. Most of the people in the first stage tend to be younger, those in attraction are usually a couple of years older than those people in the first stage. The people in the last stage, attachment, are older than both the people in lust and attraction. Since these people have lived longer with their loved one. Second, when experiencing love, the brain releases an excess of dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is known to be the most known chemical when in love. Studies have shown that a newly in love couples have had higher levels of dopamine than those who aren’t in love. Dopamine has the same effect on the brain as cocaine. “When their is more dopamine in the brain people will experience an increase in energy, less need for sleep or food, and focused attention.” (“The Science”). “When dopamine is abundant in synapses, a person feels as if he or she can do anything."(“MyBrain”). Leaving the person feeling accomplished and feeling like they are on top of the world. On the other hand, Serotonin which is best known as the happy hormone is also produced when in love. Serotonin is the chemical stimulant that, when in love, makes people constantly think of their loved one. “Once the levels of serotonin increase it helps to produce a trusting, less needy attachment that primes couples for a long-term relationship.” (“What Happens”). With the help of serotonin and dopamine couples can form a strong lasting relationship. Thirdly, once, the levels of dopamine and serotonin decrease, new stimulants called oxytocin and vasopressin are released. Oxytocin is known for starting a longterm