To say that Blind Obedience has been …show more content…
He has to follow what their instructors told them to do. If they told them to jump off a cliff, they would to it, they do it without thinking. Alfons Heck stated, “Far from being forced to enter the ranks of the Jungvolk, I could barely my impatience, and was in fact accepted before I was quite 10. It seemed like an exciting life, free from parental supervision, filled with ‘duties’ that seemed a sheer pleasure.” This says that this young man has to do the ‘duties’. He is doing it because he wants to be like everyone else, which is like conformity.
The last reason the human behaviors caused the Holocaust is stereotyping. One example is a movie called,“The Eternal Jew.” In the movie poster, the picture shows that the Jews are bad, unpleasant people.They express this looks by making the Jews in the movie poster have a have a serious look in their eyes and a grouchy expression. The movie creators also had mostly pictures of older Jews, with bags under their eyes. This is stereotyping because, they are judging the Jews by what they look like, and who they are. They are not even trying to understand that everyone is a human, and religion doesn’t