It surely was not easy for a young guy named Victor. In the movie Smoke Signals, Victor faces a lot of difficulties of emotion when his father left his mother and himself. He always had this anger inside of him because of the wondering why his father left. Victor never liked when someone brought up the topic of his father, he would get really emotional inside where no one could see. Being a Native Indian, he honored himself well with his outer emotion, even though getting this stereotypical view on Native Americans watching a television show all of the time. “You gotta look mean or people won 't respect you. White people will run all over you if you don 't look mean. You gotta look like a warrior! You gotta look like you just came back from killing a buffalo!” (Smoke). Victor’s real native-like is considered “fishermen,” but he describes himself as the Indians in the old western television shows watched many of times. Victor tries very hard to find ways to be tough and act as if nothing is wrong. As Victor finds out towards the end of the movie the truth about his father leaving he finally has a meltdown. All the emotions he has held inside of him finally is released and he feels like a better man. It is okay to hold emotions, but there becomes a limit on when it is time to release the feelings inside. This is unhealthy for any person that has been in the same situation as
It surely was not easy for a young guy named Victor. In the movie Smoke Signals, Victor faces a lot of difficulties of emotion when his father left his mother and himself. He always had this anger inside of him because of the wondering why his father left. Victor never liked when someone brought up the topic of his father, he would get really emotional inside where no one could see. Being a Native Indian, he honored himself well with his outer emotion, even though getting this stereotypical view on Native Americans watching a television show all of the time. “You gotta look mean or people won 't respect you. White people will run all over you if you don 't look mean. You gotta look like a warrior! You gotta look like you just came back from killing a buffalo!” (Smoke). Victor’s real native-like is considered “fishermen,” but he describes himself as the Indians in the old western television shows watched many of times. Victor tries very hard to find ways to be tough and act as if nothing is wrong. As Victor finds out towards the end of the movie the truth about his father leaving he finally has a meltdown. All the emotions he has held inside of him finally is released and he feels like a better man. It is okay to hold emotions, but there becomes a limit on when it is time to release the feelings inside. This is unhealthy for any person that has been in the same situation as