Stereotypes In Othello

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In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello,the title character is a 16th century Moorish general of the venetian army who,because of the cultural and historical background of the playwright,and the original intended audience,is portrayed as both well-respected for his military prowess and disparaged for his race.Similarly,because of the way hispanics are view as hard workers and indolent. In today’s American Latinos/Hispanics society,they are both hard workers for having that mentality on working and having a happy family And most people treat them as used workers to get the job done and still insult them as lazy workers. In Venice, Othello was a strong lieutenant who was mostly discriminated because of his racial features that question most of the people who honor him. It brings one of the reasons why Iago wanted to be against him and take all of his power. In Act 1 Scene 3 it evaluates by saying ¨grave, and reverend signiors,/My very noble and approved good masters,/That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter¨ In Othello by shakespeare the moor most of the time is trying to fit in Venice to convince everyone who he really is. Since he decides to marry Desdemona his father didn’t agree with the relationship for who he was. Events that were going on with thoughts of Desdemonia cheating on Othello.In Act 2 Scene 1 it says ¨Till I am even'd with him, wife for wife, Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor/At least into a jealousy so strong/That judgment cannot cure.¨The rise of jealousy makes Othello think how an outsider he is,not knowing if his wife is having an affair. In Othello, jealousy is the aspect that drives bazard to the protagonist of the play, he believes marrying Desdemona the beautiful person in town. And he describes it in Act 1 Scene 2 when he says “ But that I love the gentle Desdemona,/I would not my unhoused free condition/Put into circumscription and confine/For the sea's worth. But, look! what lights come yond?” this shows how he would do anything to have her but later on Iago found a way to get into Othello’s mind by making him believe that she is cheating on him. Othello being the outsider being away from Desdemonia makes him be just a knight of town who is superior. In American society it brings the same aspect of people having stereotypes of someone that could be an outsider. …show more content…
Hispanics/latinos are value as hard workers who live on their lives on working, but discriminated each day as immigrants who are loud. When someone hears of a Mexican guy/girl they attribute the first concepts of someone who cross the border, took away american jobs and are mostly aggressive in their own. In article of (Latinos Voices)it says “Thus,how Americans view Latino immigrants affects how they feel about immigration policy and,in this case,Latino stereotypes have a negative impact on immigration especially on hot-button issues such as unemployment,schools and crime.” This gives an idea on how most people believe on immigrants that evaluate them self to this country who is just discriminating them for making this country stronger. The positive side of hispanics/latinos is the way they work for their family,is proven by an article name ‘The Huffington Post’ where it says “ Latinos think that hard work can get you what you want. According to a

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