Stephen King Changed My Name

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Do you really know who’s writing your favorite books, such as, Harry Potter? Turns out that many famous authors aren’t actually who you think they are, but instead they are completely different from what you think. Many authors are not using their names for reasons you wont believe. In Article 1, it explains that many authors use different names to publish different genres of books without the pressure of their previous book’s fame. As stated in the article, “Hilton herself appreciates having the alter ego of a teenage boy, She believes that it helps her separate her writer self from her true self, and it creates a persona as rich as a character in her novels”, What this means is that authors change pen names to escape themselves …show more content…
He changed his name in order to publish more than 1 book at a time and to try different genres. He has used names such as Richard Bachman, and more. He also embraced the Bachman name to allow him to analyze his own success, one question he is asked is, and is quoted in the article, “Was he successful because of his talent or because of luck?” Stephen King says he does not have an answer but the books show something more, His Book Thinner, released under Bachman’s name, Sold about 28,000 copies, but soon after releasing it he then released it as a Stephen King book, they sold 10 times as more. He did this to experiment with his fame, and to pursue the dream of making more genres of books. He chose the name as stated in the article, “Ultimately, though, he settled on a combination. Richard stark, a pseudonym used by crime writer Donald E. Westlake, was the inspiration for the first half of his nom de plume. Bachman, the second half of King’s pen name, came from the music he was listening to at the time.” Although he was soon exposed as being Stephen King, he still continued to publish book under Richard Bachman’s name. He gave Richard a very detailed and complex backstory, which included a fictional wife, a former position coast guard, and the operation of a dairy farm. His books by Bachman never had as much fame as Stephen kings books, but even then he published more, and all this started from trying to experiment with his fame. There are many reasons why Authors change pen names, to escape, to change a corrupt world, or to explore the reaches of his

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