Stephen Hawking Quote Analysis

Improved Essays
Prompt #1
Stephen Hawking, one of the most notable theoretical physicists of our time, was 21 years old when he had become diagnosed with a crippling and fatal disease. Many praise him for being able to accomplish what he had done despite his disability, but his limitations are, in reality, instigators for his achievements. What can be taken from his example is that even though constraints and downfalls are inconvenient, the result of pushing people to their limits can yield wonderful and otherwise suppressed abilities. Hawking’s story is just one of many instances in which Horace’s quote, “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant,” proves to be true.
After Hawking was diagnosed he began to lose control of his muscles. Soon, writing down his thoughts was no longer an option. Hawking was now limited to
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When that task is split up with several deadlines that are spaced closely together, though, they complete the work in less time than if they had been left to their own devices. People only work when they want to or when they have to because they are lazy. Splitting up the deadlines forces procrastinators to constantly be in the state of having to work, or else they would wait until the last minute. This is an example of how sometimes people need some external, uncontrollable, all powerful, force of nature to pressure them into doing better‒like a deadline, more or less. Hardships and misfortune are a perfect example of a factor of life that people just have little to no control over. Sometimes, like in Hawking’s situation, it is just an issue of bad luck. However, just like the deadlines, adversity can be for a person’s own good. It can be comparable to inspiration, but instead of just a desire to take action, adversity makes it necessary for action and

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