One reason of lien can be to protect anothers feelings. For example, a friend may ask for an opinion about how his/her new hair do look, and because you dont want to hurt anyones feelings u will lie and say that you like it just to avoid conflict and letting someone feel bad. Maybe it will be a bit helpful to tell the truth at times but alot of people rather avoid tge drama and lie their way out of the situation if they can. Alot of people cant even handlethe truth even tho it is what they seem to want. Most of the times, lying just seem like the easier way out. Theres no way possible that people can actually believe theres no-one out there that dosent tell a single lie. (160) "A man who won't lie to a women has very little consideration for her feelings" -Bergen Evans. …show more content…
Lying Is such an important part of life itself today, that it just seems like a normal thing to do all the time. Some people even lie when it isnt necessary because theyre so used to telling lies, it comes naturally. lying may definitely get u out of trouble and even save u from a few situations. Imagine someone commitied a murder. Would you believe theyre going to admit it ? No. theyre foing to lie to save their lives. If the truth shall be told most likely that person would be executed and who would want that? If a lie can save the day, then why not tell