“22 people die every because they cannot receive a donated organ. That is about 10,000 deceased people every year” (“Why Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation?”). Patient live in fear that one day their donated organ would reject and they can optimally lose their life when they have waited so long. A new type of medicine has emerged that allows for new possibilities for patient waiting for a lifesaving organ or for those in fear of rejection. Stem cell is the future of modern day medicine. These unique cell can conform into different type of tissues and organs. The research that is being conducted is still relatively new and is in need for support. Many thing have interfered with the development of this projection. Either …show more content…
Since stem cell was a topic in which people did not understand at the time, this finding went unnoticed until a Russian- American scientist by the name of Alexander Maximow had a significant finding which involved stem cells. Maximow specifically studied blood cells in the human body. He found that blood cells also originated from one cell, but had different properties and functions. During a special meeting held by the Berlin Hematological Society, Maximow gave a lecture and quoted “I have now found that these primitive blood cells (which is what I call them), contrary to what would be commonly expected” (Maximow). Meaning Maximow found that the primitive cells or stem cells were completely different to what was coming known. After this finding, stem cells became a prominent topic of interest for scientists, which became a new a form of medicine. “Stem Cells is the new vision of medicine. It could lead to many revolutionary treatment options that are not possible in this day in age. By continuous support and resources, stem cell can be a major game change in the quality of life in an individual” …show more content…
One of the main reason stem cell research has been a slow process in being established in the medical field is due to funding. Many taxpayers have fought the idea of being taxed for this research. In the year, 1996 legislation passed a bill prohibiting the use of taxpayers’ dollars in the creation or the destruction of human embryos (Mears). This was a major set for stem projects to continue forwards. For years, the government and states have debated who should allow funding and regulation that accompany. At a time private money could be used for funding stem cell research, but was eventually banned in George W. Bush presidency. Due to this Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger authorized a 150 million loan to the state of California to jumpstart the process of funding stem cell. When President Barrack Obama was elected funding for stem cells took a turnaround. He had “Issued an executive order lifting restrictions on the federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research that had been in place since August 9, 2001” (Stem Cell Laws and Policy in the United States). Since then not much has happened, some money has been given to certain institutes’ but not enough to support this