One of the reason why many people visit the Cathedral is because the remains of St. James the Greater are there. St. James the Greater was the son …show more content…
The architecture of the cathedral includes all different types of styles from medieval, to renaissance, to Romanesque, and to baroque. The plan of Santiago is in a form of a cross that includes aisles that run around the church. Includes a couple of apsidioles or small aspselike chapels. This plan has inspired four other major churches such as Saint-Martial at Limoges, Saint-Sermin at Toulouse, Saint-Martin at Tours, and Saint-Foy at Conques. Santiago de Compostela included an Obradoiro façade that includes a renaissance staircase that was added in the 17th century by Gines Martinez. This façade also includes two towers that are called Campanas and Carraca. The Azabacheria façade was originally a medieval style but it was destroyed in 1758. The current façade was designed by Lucas Ferro Caaveiro and now it’s a neoclassic style with baroque elements. The Platerias façade is the only façade that is still Romanesque style, but in the 14th century during the baroque century clock towers were added with bells on top. This façade also includes reliefs about important events from the life of Christ. The inside of the cathedral also includes important elements such as the botafumeiro, the statue of St. James, the crypt of St. James, the portico of glory, and many more. These elements are something that the pilgrims look forward to witnessing with their own eyes when they have finally arrived to