SRP Framework Outline
German colonialism in Africa proved to be bad for the native peoples; the Germans exploited the land, killed the natives after they revolted over slavery and taxation, and deemed them unequal to each other which lead to the creation of new social classes in between them.
By the late 1800s, Germany had established had established control in the present day countries of Rwanda, Burundi and some parts of Tanzania. Just like belgium, Germany had gained power in Africa through the signing of treaties by the village leaders which ultimately gave the Germans the right to the land itself and in 1884 Germany declared a protectorate over this big territory. The germans also in 1885 created the East Africa Company …show more content…
The treaties signed by the village leaders during the germans rise to power in africa were the cause that the natives lost the land they thought was rightfully theirs. Because of this, the Germans took almost all of the profit that was made from agriculture because they owned the land. As a result of this the africans lost their ability to produce agricultural product which was one of their only potential sources of wealth. The natives over time were forced to use their cattle as a form of currency in order to pay for the taxes that the germans had imposed on them which by 1903 had left the Herero people with only 40% of the cattle that they had started with. The germans as a result ended up with almost all of the natives most prized possessions this made it hard for the natives to sustain themselves physically because they had no meat, milk, and skins. In conclusion The natives lost large portions of their population because they were forced into tremendous amounts of debt which resulted from the loss of their land because it provided not only money for crops, but also food for the cattle that gave them everything that kept them