Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986. These accidents are being used as learning experiences, to further improve protocol, technology and safety. Space exploration must continue, as we have so much …show more content…
The orbiter is covered with ceramic insulating materials designed to protect it from the friction heat of 3000 degrees F.
NASA’s 2003 fiscal year estimates totaled $119.7 million. The 2004 fiscal year budget was 127.5 million, an increase from the previous year. However, funding for the different programs shifted, NASA’s Deep Space Network and combined separate funding for Mars and
Solar System activities was removed, as well as funding for Project Prometheus in 2004. There are many programs; Space exploration, Solar System exploration, Biological Sciences Research,
Aeronautics Technology, Space Station and many others. Each year the budget fluctuates in the different programs based on need.
The Columbia accident introduced that its failure to return safely is a reminder that a space shuttle is a developmental vehicle for dangerous exploration and it can cost lives.
However, space exploration must continue. NASA and the shuttle program has 70% to 80% of the publics support. A survey taken by a polling firm found that 72% of responders said it was somewhat important for the nation to have a human space program. Space exploration is beneficial to our future and