France, Germany, and Japan along with other nations have their own government run space programs (Space Sciences, par 1-2). Europe though having countries running their own programs have come together and created one large space program the ESA (Space Sciences, par 10).
All these programs mentioned are government run and funded establishments which should continue to receive funding and even increasing the amount of funding they receive.”Emphasizing the important role that a balanced and adequately funded science program at NASA plays...increase NASA’s funding (Issues in Science and Technology, par 1)”. A well funded space program is a crucial part of the government and if the program is to be successful it needs to receive funding from the government that runs the program. All the space programs mentioned before are funded by their governments but require more funds to be effective and expand into new endeavours that could provide even more economic opportunities for the programs host nation. If governments do not provide ample funding for their space programs they may have to resort to becoming privatized companies to receive funding , but if