He showed Sophie the life in Renaissance and how it began. Sophie was amazed for she met various Philosophers in the Modern period including William Shakespeare and Rene Descartes. Alberto stressed Rene Descartes’ ideals on Philosophy. Especially, he tried to explain to Sophie the famous work of Descartes on proving the existence of a Human. Cogito Ergo Sum which means I think therefore I am. Sophie also met the empiricists and the rationalists, two major groups in the modern period that contradicts to each other’s teaching. She met also the Philosopher that focused on free thinking, Immanuel Kant. As they study about the modern period, Alberto said that there is a major who composed their life and existence. He said that it is Albert Knag, the father of Hilde who writes about their …show more content…
The novel showed the significance of Philosophy to the society and it demonstrates the ability of critical thinking and the state of being open-minded to things in order to be clarified through reasoning. It stresses the history of Philosophy and how it flourished in the Western countries that brought us to the world of ideas and the world of apprehension and consciousness of things that leads us to an effective and eligible society. The book is highly recommended for it shows us the importance of studying Philosophy and applying it to our daily lives especially for students, in order for them to grasp not just only Knowledge alone but also wisdom. It opens everyone to a world of imagination yet entertaining to supply one’s satisfaction. Extraordinary and