In the opening quatrain, the speaker …show more content…
This exhibits the third part of nature that the speaker believes he is seen as in his older age. He compares himself to the glowing remains of a fire, which lies “on the ashes of his youth” (Line 10). The remaining flames cannot sustain him, however, as the vicious vision of death awaits him. This stage of his life is plainly obvious in this quatrain as he is obviously nearing the end of his time. The fire will be extinguished as it sinks into the ashes, thus so will the speaker.
The couplet of ‘73’ sums up the journey through nature. It contains irony because the elements that are fading - late autumn, twilight, and a fire - has the power to bring about a greater love. The couplet also has an important message and a warning to it. He tells us that it is important that we love beyond all measures and make the most of our youth. He warns us that we will have to leave our youth before long so appreciate it, as we wont be young forever.
The natural world has always been an important subject for Shakespearian poetry. In Sonnet ‘73’, nature was a dominant theme and occupied a very prominent role. Aside from viewing nature simply as a beautiful landscape, Shakespeare used nature in order to tell a story. Nature is a living character through which human identity is