Sociopathy is often confused by nonmedical …show more content…
There are some people, there are varying parts of the spectrum with some people showing minimal tenancies while others act on all tendencies to the extreme. They can also be categorized by the focus of their antisocial behavior. Common Sociopaths are characterized by their lack of conscience, alienated sociopaths are known by their inability to love and to be loved. Aggressive sociopaths follow the others, but also incorporate an of sadistic nature., while dissocial sociopaths have no problem follow rules as long as the rules are wrong rules which would not be acceptable in society. All sociopaths are quite manipulative and gain pleasure from dominating and humiliating their victims who are usually friends, parents, siblings, and partners. Because of their shallow nature and life goal of playing to win at all costs game to win sociopaths tend to get bored when their life is void of drama, worry or anything negative enough to keep them active. They are not trying to be mean it is simply who they …show more content…
The sociopath’s antisocial disorder plays havoc with all of those who surround them while controlling his or her own life choices. The varying degrees of their behavior determine how well they blend into society. Though some are, the vast majority of sociopaths aren 't killers lurking in the shadows. Most of them are walking around among us, immersed in careers that benefit from their characteristics. Corporate leadership requires a temperament that craves power, autonomy, commanding control, and status. Some lawyers have a reputation for distorting the systems of equality, in order to ensure their financial success and surgeons have the power of life and death where decisions must be made without emotion. We have the makings of being a sociopath; it is only when that little bit of charm grows into manipulation; when self-confidence morphs to grandiosity; when occasional exaggeration develops into pathological lying; and when tough-mindedness turns into