The Francis Trilogy Of Thomas Of Celano Summary

Superior Essays
We as human beings live together in large groups who follow certain rules and regulations, both written and simply unspoken but known. Most of these rules we just accept for what they are and do not really pay much attention to them. We go along with what “the norm” is for life because it is easier to live that way rather than challenging how things work. However, if we take the time to sit and really think about what is socially acceptable and what is not, some may begin to question the fairness and legitimacy of these rules. How we interact with other groups of people is a great example of what is sometimes socially acceptable but morally wrong. Individuals need to break away from immoral rules placed by society in order to treat minority …show more content…
The setting is in and around the city of Assisi in the late 1100’s and early 1200’s. A man named Francis found his true calling, devoting himself to God and helping the less fortunate. He was born into a family who had a large amount of wealth and was in a high social class in a society where wealth and social class meant everything. In the beginning of the book, the reader can find a perfect example of what his society valued. It reads, “He was an object of admiration to all, and he endeavored to surpass others in his flamboyant display of vain accomplishments: wit, curiosity, practical jokes and foolish talk, songs, and soft and flowing garments” (Thomas of Celano 23). Before he found his calling to God this is how he lived, a life of lavish luxury and immature actions. He didn’t even give the poor of his city a second thought as he passed by them. He only cared about himself and how he could have fun that day. After he found God, however, he became the polar opposite of his former self. The book states, “Starting back, he put down his bags and pondered conscientiously what to do about the money. In a wonderful way, in an instant, he turned completely to the work of God” (Thomas of Celano 29). He had just gathered up many, if not all, of his valuables and decided to go into town to sell them because he no longer had a need or want for material possessions. He then took all of the money that he gathered and gave it to the first needy person he saw, who happened to be a poor priest in a dilapidated church on the verge of collapse. He took the money that his past self would have gladly spent on extravagant clothing or some other unnecessarily pricey items and donated it all to the priest for the rebuilding of the church. He went against the immoral rule in his society of treating the poor like

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