Assessments are also used to make sure the client is receiving the right service and their needs can be met through the person/agency assessing them (Hepworth, 2013). Assessments are usually completed individually or through a collaboration with other professionals. Before a social worker can provide proper services to a client, the social worker needs to understand where the problem is coming from. Assessments are used as a guide to tackle the root of the problem in a client’s life. In my reflection paper, I did not touch on my ability to assess clients, but I do believe this was a work in progress. I have not had real experience accessing clients, so I am worried that I will not touch on all the things that are important when working with clients. Assessments are the guides for future sessions and having to go into the field without proper experience in this aspect bother me. I have learned in class how to do it and the purpose of doing it, but I have not conducted a real assessment yet and that bothers …show more content…
Prior to coming to Loyola, I was aware of what an ecomap was, but I did not use it the same way it is intended to be used in social work. An ecomap creates a view of “the person in the environment”. Ecomaps can be used to understand different systems in a client’s life and shows how their different their systems impact their life. Using an ecomap makes it easy to view the things that influence your clients life and it provides a clear picture of the type of relationships your clients have. In my reflection paper, I did not discuss my Ecogram completion abilities, but I do believe I have mastered this technique. When working with clients in the future, I plan to use ecomaps as a part of my assessment process to get a clear view of the client life as a