According to the article students who use social media are most likely to have lower grades than those who don not use social media. In the article it states “Students who use social media had an average GPA of 3.06 while non-users had an average GPA of 3.82” because of this they are so pressured to get on social media and think it more important than studying or doing homework. Students that used social media during studying are 20% more likely to get a lower score than those who don't use social media while studying. Two-thirds of teachers believe that social media distract students more than helping them academically. If each student spent 30 mins on social media in 4 hours of screen time the average GPAs dropped one full grade. A study at Oxford university released a study where social media actually can stunt the brain development of a person, especially a teen. A new study surveyed 250 students and found that 43% of the students who spent less than one hour on social networking sites per night achieved a G.P.A. of 4.0 or above. Social media can take up so much time for some of us it takes 20-25 minutes to get back to work once we receive a notification. …show more content…
36% of people surveyed listed social networking as the "biggest waste of time," above fantasy sports (25%), watching TV (23%), and shopping (9%). If we spend at least 4 minutes for each social media we own for a whole day we have spent at least 2 hours and 30 minutes. During all that time you could be studying, do homework, or doing something amazing for your health,home, or school. At home we are required to study but having our phones for just music can be VERY distracting. I tested this on my sister who goes to college and she checked her phone more than 20 times and half of those times were to check the time. Social media is very time wasting but not a lot of us can see it because it's those little things that add up. Some people say social media can actually help students, that's true but what's the real truth they aren't saying? According to the article it says “59% of students with access to the Internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments”. Yes students can use it to contact each other but as soon as they finish that one problem they start to get off topic. Those students are most likely to forget homework and just talk for hours. The article also states that “extracurricular activities were completed”