Takes away the diversity in the population with multiple things having the same DNA it can make it where disease roles in can easily pass through the group with the same DNA and take them all out. The social issues of cloning lean towards to emphasis on human clones in terms of both availability of cloning technology and addition of clones into society; Think about the cost it will be to implicate the whole cloning thing in to society who will be able to afford it. Reproductive cloning raises the question of cost and who should have access. However, the major social argument is that cloning negates a person 's right to individuality and disregards the potential emotional effects of such a parentless and de-personalized identity. Even the cloning of animals is not socially expectable “Despite years of research, over 95% of cloning attempts fail, even with extensive veterinary intervention.” ( 2010 American Anti-Vivisection Society) Animal cruelty is very frowned upon and so the growing and killing of animals just for their meat is not something that society is ready to be a part of yet. Cloning is science trying to take God out of everything from the creation of life to ever the making of humans and our origin, an equality not observed as appropriate as human’s deficiency omniscience. Morally, the arguments are larger. The ethics of animal research come into production, where numerous, such as the moral philosopher Peter Singer, …show more content…
Almost all people are against animal cruelty and the raising of animals just for the slaughter. By making Clones we take God out of the system and puts us in to the system and make it were humans will no longer see the point of having a god to believe in if they can do everything that the bible say he can do. Throughout history the bible and science have been going neck and neck but when will humanity realize just because they have the technology to do something god like should they really do