Social Class In Persepolis

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UNFAIRNESS: The Effects of Political Views on Social Class, Vice Versa.
Iran, a perplexing and complex country, has had a heavy involvement with aspects such as changing social classes and political advancements for the past couple decades. During the late 1980’s, Iran experienced a massive transformation into a new regime that altered most everything about the country 's society. Marjane Satrapi, author of the profound graphic novel Persepolis, wrote this autobiography detailing her childhood experiences in Iran from such an adolescent age; telling her thoughts towards Iran’s social injustice and political transformations. At a young age Marjane/Marji noticed a dramatic difference in Iran’s social classes as she read from her favorite author’s
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In the article “Social Class Differences Produce Social Group Preferences” by the journal of Developmental Science, it reveals that the topic of social class is far from taboo to even children, and just “like adults around them, young children favor people from social groups over people from other” (Developmental Science 991). Children often favor a social group over another because they have previously been familiarized and have established a setting of comfort, or the social class exceeds their own, however the favoritism extends even further, being that the race of another person can lead to the assumption of higher or lower social class. In the graphic novel Persepolis, Marji’s house maid Marhi falls in love with a boy living next door, but is suddenly denied the love of the neighbor boy because her social class was below his; “because in this country you must stay within your own social class” (Satrapi 37). This situation utterly confused Marji, and without hesitation she questioned her father’s actions. The revolution was supposedly because of the social classes; Marhi fell in love with a boy of higher social status, whilst the neighbor boy’s infatuation towards Marhi dissipated when he learned of her low social standing. Social classes were still prevalent and the political determinations to change this circumstance was still …show more content…
Iran will complete abolish the structure around its social classes and set up a new future where the oppressed and weak were not in fear of poverty (Parsa 382). In the article “Class and Labor in Iran: Did the Revolution Matter?” written by Misagh Parsa, the state of Iran’s labor workforce is a long lingering struggle that only gotten slightly better after three decades. The end of the monarchy was theoretically supposed to lead Iran into a complete redevelopment of classes, but unavoidable to the situation these radical ideas are opposed. For the time being, the Islamic State was in charge of being an arbiter of the quality in the classes, but soon terminated. After 1989, the setting of Marjane’s autobiography. A real change strove for: normalization of the capital affair; the Bourgeoisis, “self-employed entrepreneurs who consisted more than 35 percent of the workforce” took hold of Iran’s economy by developing Monopolistic companies that “remained the largest social class in Iran” (Parsa 383). It took till the end of the war with Iraq for Iran’s labor force to regulate. In the graphic novel Persepolis, we witness people fleeing Iran, but noticing the hardships endured by war and a struggling economy, Iran was a difficult home stay

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