Analysis Of Social Class And The Hidden Curriculum Of Work By Jean Anyon

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When I first read the article, “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work," by Jean Anyon, I was shocked at first, but then I came to the conclusion that this is reality. Everyday people are judged by their class in the economy. Everyday children are treated based on how much their parents income is. Living in a world that is so concerned with how much money one person is worth, is disturbing. Also, when teachers are placed in positions that they do not try to understand or respect their students and who would prefer to do the bare minimum for their students is outrageous to me. I understand that there are certain schools that simply cannot afford materials or manipulative for their students, but not treating them like learning children …show more content…
The children are not given an opportunity to think critically or have any creativity. When I was reading through the section on the working class observation, it reminded me of jail where everything is completely structured and the children have to obey or there will be punishments. I feel as if children who are in the working class or even middle-class social class, are going to be more damaged by their education. Yes, damaged. What exactly is being taught to these children besides being obedient? Do what I say or else situations. The children are being shown that they are not cared for and are downplayed in society; that they will never amount to anything. That mindset is depressing. Besides the fact that children are completely disrespected and cannot think for themselves, the children are being conditioned to stay where they are and not try to achieve success. I am very curious to see the dropout rate or graduation rate for the students that were in those classes because with the amount of authority that is being held over them everyday, I would not be able to tolerate it, so why should

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